The Hybrid Workplace: This is What Employees Value Most

Rasmus Andersen
January 19, 2024
5 min read

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the 2023 Hybrid Work Report unveils some intriguing insights. The shift towards hybrid models of work, blending remote and in-office environments, has brought to light a critical element – the human need for connection and community in the workplace. This report, based on a comprehensive survey of over 5000 employees across various markets, sheds light on how businesses and employees are adapting to this new era.

The Hybrid Work Challenge: Building Connections

One of the most significant findings of the report is the craving for community and connection in a hybrid world. While organizations are leaning into flexibility and experimenting with new technologies, they are also recognizing the need to foster connection in diverse ways. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution; people feel and build connections differently, necessitating a variety of tools and resources to cater to these needs.

The Importance of Workplace Connectivity

Interestingly, 66% of respondents who have a close friend at work report that this impacts their intent to stay with their company. This statistic underscores the importance of relationship-building and establishing connections in the workplace. However, the challenge is more pronounced in a hybrid setup, with 33% of flex employees finding it difficult to build relationships and establish connections with their hybrid team.

Bridging the Connection Gap

The report also highlights a significant connection gap, where employees feel connected to their company's culture and mission but not necessarily to their colleagues. Around 70% feel connected to their company's culture, and 69% feel connected to the mission or purpose. However, only 34% feel strongly connected to their colleagues, indicating a need for more intentional strategies to foster peer connections.

Prioritizing Relationships Over Salary

In an eye-opening revelation, the report shows that when given a choice, a significant portion of employees would prioritize relationships with their colleagues over a salary increase. This preference varies across different regions, with 52% in the US and 65% in the UK choosing great relationships with colleagues over a 10% salary increase. This finding highlights the growing importance of workplace relationships in today's work environment.

The Future of Work: A Connected Community

The 2023 Hybrid Work Report emphasizes that the future of work is not just about where we work, but how we connect. In a hybrid world, creating opportunities for meaningful connections, both in-person and online, becomes essential. This involves not just providing the right tools and technologies but also nurturing a culture that values and facilitates these connections.

In conclusion, the report suggests that the key to a successful hybrid work model lies in understanding and addressing the human need for connection. As we navigate the complexities of this new work era, it becomes imperative for organizations to invest in creating a connected, engaging, and inclusive workplace environment, where every employee feels a sense of belonging and purpose.

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Rasmus Andersen
January 19, 2024
5 min read

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